How it all started
Ignite | Our Story
Ignite Movement began in 2021 with three friends living in Heber City. We love to be outside doing fun things and our beautiful valley provides the perfect playground for adventure every season of the year.
Whatever the season calls for--skiing, biking, hiking, swimming, backpacking--we love to get our girlfriends together and head outside! We have each had amazing mentors in our lives who have taught and encouraged us to do all the fun things we love to do. We have taken it to the next level and become trained coaches in numerous adventure skills. Now, we want to share our love, experience, and passion with other women who are ready for new adventure.
As women we all face endless pressures in our lives. Often we give more then we take and easily end up depleted. Adventure can fill you with new energy and joy for life. We hope our Ignite Movement events will be fun, safe spaces for women to try new things, learn new skills, discover new passion, and find confidence in their own abilities.
Women learn best from women! We will guide/coach you with patience, understanding and expertise.
We can't wait to meet you!
-Jen, Anna, and Turia

We want to be known as the best womens' resource for outdoor adventure and wellness because every woman deserves to build joy, strength and confidence in her life.
We provide monthly clinics, retreats, private and group coaching all designed to build joy, strength and confidence in women through outdoor adventure.

Meet the Ignite Team

Jen Dorius
As a wife, mother of 5, avid swimmer, cyclist, and outdoorswoman, I have discovered that being outside is as essential to me as breathing.
Moving my body makes me happy! Fresh air recharges my soul! I can do hard things and really, really like how it makes me feel.
Also... women are SO good together! We buoy each other up and inspire each other. Movement has added so much color and joy to my life.
I have had amazing mentors who have inspired and taught me, and I want to do the same for other women who are ready to ignite their lives with new adventures!
Turia Pope
I grew up loving the outdoors. As a recreational therapist, I have learned that doing hard things outside not only feels good, it does good. I’ve worked in a variety of settings - leading survival treks in the Arizona desert; running adaptive recreation programs for children with physical disabilities in downtown Chicago; leading families through outdoor challenges at a family camp in Wyoming; assisting recreation programs in the state mental hospital of Utah.
I’ve helped children, teens, adults, seniors and everyone in between transfer the skills they learned outside to other areas of their life. After conquering the fear of a gnarly downhill on a mountain bike, ascending a lung-busting mountain peak on a hike, or successfully rock climbing a difficult route, we feel empowered to take charge of our lives in really positive ways.
The great outdoors is my happy place, and I love to share it with others!
Anna Cox
I love to play outside. Nothing makes me feel more alive than outdoor adventure. While raising 4 kids, adventure has filled my cup and kept me sane!
My favorite part of outdoor adventure is sharing the joy with others! I have worked as an adventure guide in Costa Rica and various camps across the US. I have coached mountain bike and ski teams and taught numerous adventure clinics. I am a nationally certified PSIA ski instructor and PMBIA mountain bike instructor.
I worked as a Certified Nurse Assistant and Registered Nurse for over two decades and learned that my passion is teaching people how to embrace a healthy lifestyle and make choices that lead to lasting wellness.
Now as a Certified Intrinsic Health and Wellness coach I love mentoring others on their health journey.